Understanding trends and preferences of Canadian female online shoppers

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When it comes to Canadian ecommerce, what resonates with women? Canada Post recently surveyed 5,000 Canadian online shoppers, including 2,450 women, to better understand their personal priorities, expectations of the businesses they buy from and the overall online shopping experience they demand.

What they told us will provide you with key trends and insights to better connect with, and cater to, female online shoppers.

Rise of women online shoppers

Canadian women are shopping online more than ever before. They’re comfortable and confident when it comes to making online purchases. As a result, we’re seeing large increases in the frequency of their purchases. Young women (ages 18 to 24) make more than half of their purchases online.

Average number of purchases per year:

26 female, 21 male.

Top product categories for women:

35% books. 33% clothing and accessories. 33% home décor. 32% furniture.

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Cautiously allocating their dollars

Female shoppers are being cautious with their purchases, which could indicate they’re conscious of financial pressures stemming from inflation and the economy at large. This likely makes them keener on finding deals and promotions as a means of being proactive with rising prices.

34% making fewer purchases to save money for a rainy day. 27% have more than they really need, so they are making fewer purchases.

Adapting online shopping behaviour:

Woman are adapting their online shopping behaviour in numerous ways to address rising prices and inflation:

74% stock up on essentials while on sale. 72% look for discounts on everyday essentials. 71% spend more time looking for sales. 70% seek out retailers offering free shipping.

Thinking sustainably

Overall, Canadian online shoppers have grown more concerned with sustainability; in fact, two-thirds want the businesses they support to take meaningful action to improve their environmental and social performance. Women, however, are more open to try to reduce the environmental impact of online shopping.

Sustainability practices that influence choice of retailer

61% use of sustainable packaging. 54% waste reduction. 37% practice and respect of human rights.

Keen to support local businesses, in person

The post-pandemic shift back to in-person shopping is underway. Two in five Canadian consumers are planning on shopping in store this year, to support local businesses.

Ecommerce giants have staked their claim – but nearly half of Canadian consumers (44%) indicated that the biggest barrier to shopping with these retailers is that they would rather support local businesses.

Top reasons women are shopping more in store:

67% experience the product in person. 62% get the product right away. 45% support local businesses.

Make purchasing easy

The Canadian love affair with ecommerce isn’t going anywhere, as convenience (66%), the ability to compare prices (46%) and access to a wider selection (45%) continue to drive the desire to stay digital.

What woman put emphasis on:

65% Free delivery, 30% Hassle-free returns.

What causes frustration:

What causes frustrations: 50% High shipping costs, 28% Paying for return shipping, 26% Excessive wasteful packaging.

All statistics provided by Canada Post’s eShopper Surveys conducted by Phase 5 Consulting Group, May 2022 and May 2023.

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